Friday, June 15

Emotional Discomfort

The most emotionally uncomfortable thing happened to me today. It was about 5:15 and I decided to jump in the shower and rinse off. Since I am supposed to play tennis with Sarah tomorrow I decided to shave first. So I was sitting in the bathtub with the water running shaving my legs when Bailey started barking his head off. He sounded very distressed so I turned off the water to call him and then I heard voices calling "Hello? Hello?" and so I was like "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" I turned off the water, jumped out of the tub, and got a towel around me before leaving my bathroom. I went to the banister and there were three people there. One of them explained that she was from Century 21 and she had called earlier today to come and show the house. So while they looked around downstairs I got a bathrobe on to cover myself up with and called both my parents who had no idea what was going on either. My mom talked to the real estate agent and they walked around the upstairs and Bailey was completely traumatized by the three strangers that let themselves into our house and it was all just very awckward. Now you may be wondering just how they got into the house since our house went into escrow yesterday and the lock box was INSIDE!!!!! Well this is how: when my dad left the house to go do errands, he so kindly left the door UNLOCKED!!!!! So that was my very adventurous afternoon. Thanks dad!