Friday, May 18

A House is a house for me...

So a whole lot has happened this week. On Wednesday night I went with Lauren G to Barnes and Noble and we spent a good long time in the kids section reading Boxcar Children and such. We were feeling very nostalgic. Then we went into the cafe and she got a coffee and I got a cupcake that was like chocolate heaven and we talked way too loudly (for obvious reasons...keep reading) about the gay-straight alliances at our schools. Then this guy walks up to us and says "I heard you talking...I am gay...can I sit down?" So obviously we were talking too loud but my lack of volume control ended up being a really good thing for a change. Lauren and I talked with him for an hour inside barnes and noble til it closed and then we all shivered outside for another hour and kept on talking. He is a junior at NP and he was really mature (obviously because most high schoolers wouldn't just walk up to two friends who were talking and ask to join the conversation) and just a really cool kid. It was really fun making friends in such a spontaneous fashion!

On Thursday morning I went to go look at this townhouse my mom saw with the real-estate agent. It was actually really nice and in a really quiet neighborhood unlike the loud neighborhood we are in now (as I listen to the little girls next door shrieking). In the afternoon I went to a "post-hiring" interview at Sunny Skies and met the Co-director and got my contract. I'll be working for 5 weeks and make about 325 a week. Plus in a few weeks they are offering CPR/first aid certification which will last from 9 am to 6 pm and I will get paid $25 plus dinner. Pretty sweet deal since I have been wanting to get certified for like 6 years now but haven't wanted to pay for it...even at the Rec Center at school its like 100 bucks to take the class and I don't have time for it at school anyway. Then that night the real-extate agent came over and my parents signed an offer for the town-house and I repacked all the suitcases in my room with the close that had spilled out onto the floor...

This morning at 9 am we had our carpets cleaned. Boy were they dirty. But now they are clean. I am being redundant. Anyway, I went through all of my drawers and cleaned them all out and also all the shelves in my closet. Tomorrow I am going to lug the suitcases back into my room and put away all those clothes as well as try on anything I don't know fits and the stuff Lauren removed former wardrobe. I also need to clean off my bathroom counter so that it has as few items on it as possible (and my desk too!). On Sunday the real-estate agent is showing the house to a family with two year old triplets and she thinks that this is the house they are looking for. So hopefully we will sell right away and not have to deal with keeping the house perfect for more than 1 day.

I guess that's about all...I will write more when it happens.

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